The Lottery

The Lottery analytical Essay

Levi Pinfold’s Medieval town On Vimeo

In a peaceful village in the Medieval Era the people have a tradition. The people pick a person who will die in the village. I think this story wants to talk about tradition. Even though all the townspeople forgot the true meaning of the lottery, they keep doing it. The people who talk about the unfairness of the lottery is only when they ‘won’ the Lottery. People follow this horrific and barbaric tradition only because it is a tradition. People need to change the traditions if they are unfair. However the townspeople in the story didn’t.

Old man Warner says “There has always been a lottery. He says the village will get back to barbarism if they quit the Lottery. However, they fail to realize that the Lottery itself is a from of savagery and barbarism.

The People held the Lottery because they wanted a sense of Unity with each other by participating in the Lottery together. Also, the people who participated in the Lottery will feel better bond with each other because they survived.

The Lottery is Pointless. The short story warns us about believing in traditions not knowing why it is held. Long ago Slavery was also a tradition. Of course there were some benefits in slavery but it was still horrific and barbaric. Some people would have thought ‘Why are we doing this horrific act’ then his/her friend will reply “We have done it for a long time. It’s a tradition!”People should step back and look at what they are doing.